Free software for nonprofit organizations
Savant Database is a collection of free software for nonprofit organizations.
Located in Victoria, BC and with clients across Vancouver Island and the Mainland, we have been providing free software since 2009.
NEW: I'm now developing cloud-based software. Items below with a leading asterisk are cloud-based as well as PC-based.
Software Collection
(click a link for details)
* Contact Management
to manage your list of clients, members, donors, and other contacts
* Volunteer Management
to manage your volunteers, their interests, and availability
Child Care
to manage your entire child care operation
to manage your counselling clients and case workers
Facility Rental
to manage your room and facility rentals
Class Scheduling
to manage your course and class offerings
Human Resources
to manage your employee service records
Inquiry Tracking
to record and report on who contacts you, when, and why
to manage your library of books, toys, or other collections
* Biological Specimens
to manage your collection of biological specimens
* Wildlife Management
a new, cloud-based database to assist with wildlife and habitat management
Child Care Resource and Referral
to help BC CCRR match families with child care providers
AND, we are open to creating new software to meet the needs of any nonprofit organization.
Our Clients include:
Burnside Gorge Community Association
Cowichan Green Community
Cowichan Station Area Association
Cowichan Valley CCRR
Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area
Fairfield Gonzales Community Association
Friends of Dominion Brook Park
Haahuupayak Elementary School
Independent Living Housing Society
Indigenous Perspectives Society
Mental Health Recovery Partners
Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea
Sliver Threads
UVic Environmental Law Centre
Victoria CCRR
Victoria Disability Resource Centre
Volunteer Victoria
Client quote "we have used Savant for about 11 years and it is stable, robust, and does everything we need"
Gord Warrenchuk, Director, Savant Database